• To focus on the person and not the disease. The type of cancer or treatment isn't the focus, but how this journey can play an important part in shaping us (not defining us), reflecting on what we have learnt and sharing this with others.

WHY have WE set up hope after cancer?

  • To recognise cancer in its fullest way, and that includes the post-cancer journey even years in remission.

  • To support those affected by cancer to (re-)build their lives even many years after.

  • To be hopeful! Cancer survival is different across cancers, but survival rates have doubled in the last 50 years in the UK (Cancer Research UK).

  • To challenge the stigma of the word cancer, and the use of language around cancer.

  • Our founder, Emily, wish she had seen more hopeful stories of people living after cancer, and support for people years in remission but stuck in the trauma...so she decided to what she had been searching for!

People who have been affected by cancer and now they (or their loved ones) are in remission to feel empowered to share their story.

A group of friends at a coffee shop
A group of friends at a coffee shop


People who are in remission but still feel unsure where to turn and maybe still in survival mode (even years after), to be inspired by others and have opportunities in a community setting to achieve something new in their lives to start thriving.

Future generations who may receive a cancer diagnosis (for them or their loved ones) to still feel hopeful after a diagnosis.

People who are still battling cancer (or their loved ones) to hear stories of hope and have a more positive outlook towards their situation.