Inspiring Founder Story

Learn about the incredible life journey of our founder and how her own experience is the foundation of Hope after Cancer

Emily’s Story

Just before my 31st birthday, I got the all clear after breast cancer and I am very grateful to be 5 years in remission.

I had a major delay (years after) in processing the trauma and living in fear.

I genuinely believe that one reason is that the cancer narrative can have a big focus on death; and don’t get me wrong that can of course happen (and happened in my family). I also found stories of great detail of people’s symptoms and treatment (which truly has its place and use), but I just wanted to read/listen to something specific without reliving it all. To know how they are and not all the details about the cancer or treatment. It also felt too long since I had cancer to go back to cancer charities that had given me such amazing support during my treatment.

What I needed most was to hear hopeful stories after my diagnosis and after my treatment (even years after). Of people not just surviving, but truly living (despite the difficulties). I wanted to move from being a “cancer survivor”, and move past survival mode, and see others who had done that.

There are so many people that survive, and also go onto live amazing lives! Where are those stories?? That's what I want to hear! What helped them get to where they are now??

After accessing therapy, releasing stress through dancing and martial arts, focusing on my faith, and discovering the art of slowing down through yoga and mindfulness, I have proudly and gratefully achieved some amazing things over the last 5 years in a way that has my health at the centre.

This journey sure hasn't been plain sailing (and I feel annual scanxiety like the next person) and nor am I saying I am 'there' (wherever there is!), but I truly have learnt so much and I want to share how this journey hasn’t defined me, but shaped me.

I want to be the hope for someone else that there can be a life after, something I wish I had years ago...


Founder of Hope after Cancer


We all can have labels, some positive, some negative. I’ve chosen 3 positive labels here.

1 label I haven’t used is “Cancer Survivor”. I was VERY grateful to get the all clear, but didn’t want to talk about it after I had it, I just wanted to move on. I didn’t want pity.

But now I realise the importance to show others there can be a life after…surviving and beyond.

So I’m now adding a new label…

1) A Yoga Teacher

(photo while teaching at Teacher Training)

2) A Karateca

(photo after Blue Belt Grading)

3) A Charity Worker

(photo facilitating a workshop in India with local charities)

4) Cancer Thriver

Founder's Journey

Explore the inspiring life story of our founder and her experiences.

Emily has 11+years of experience of working in the charity sector in the UK and abroad, supporting amazing people that were vulnerable due to varying circumstances.

She has worked with a trauma-informed approach in this sector, especially in her previous roles in a refugee charity in the UK and supporting children living and/or working on the streets across the world.

Emily is a registered Trauma-informed Yoga Teacher and the owner of Life Signature, a wellness social enterprise.

Emily is very active, and loves yoga, strength-workouts and martial arts! Downtime is also very important through walking, reading, painting, breathwork, and mindfulness.

She loves travelling and meeting people from different places around the world, and learning languages. She speaks Spanish and Italian...and sometimes it becomes a mix of both: "Ital-ish!"